The Penguin is a spinoff to 2022’s The Batman and is a crime thriller mini series that follows Oswald Cobb as he tries to build a name for...
I walked into The Wild Robot with a lot of curiosity. I’d seen the buzz about it, but I didn’t know if it would live up to the hype. What...
Vox Machina Amazon Prime’s The Legend of Vox Machina is a breath of fresh air in the world of adult animation, blending the quirky...
Joker: Folie à Deux, directed by Todd Phillips, is a drama musical and is the sequel to 2019’s Joker. The film follows Arthur Fleck as he...
A Battle is Beginning Between Evil and Good Transformers One is a science fiction animated movie produced by Paramount Pictures...
The Batman, directed by Matt Reeves, is an action crime thriller that follows Batman as he attempts to uncover the mystery behind the murders...
Batman: The Old Age Batman: Caped Crusader is an animated action-adventure show starring Batman and all of the notable inhabitants...
Deadpool and Wolverine is an action-adventure film directed by Shawn Levy and is the third installment in the Deadpool Franchise. The film follows...
The Duality of Food Food, like many things, can facilitate the fostering of community or be a source of control to those very same individuals....
A Quiet Place: Day One is a horror sci-fi film directed by Michael Sarnoski and is the prequel spin-off for A Quiet Place and A Quiet Place Part...
A Quiet Place Part II is written and directed by John Krasinski and is the sequel to 2016’s A Quiet Place. The film follows the Abbott family...
A Quiet Place, directed by John Krasinski, is a horror thriller that follows Lee and Evelyn Abbott as they try to protect their family in a post-apocalyptic...
Challengers directed by Luca Guadagnino on the surface is a tennis movie centered around a central love triangle. Tashi played by Zendaya is...
The fantastical world of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth has long captured the attention and imagination of audiences through its...
Civil War written and directed by Alex Garland is an interesting and even powerful story, in theory. It follows a group of photo...
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